YOU DID IT, L.A. denizens! Your calls and emails got the historic designation application for the original Pacific Dining Car all the way to city council. Tuesday, May 23rd they accepted the application to protect the original structure.

Now we begin the next phase of restoration goals towards the reopening of the whole restaurant as a historically run business.

PDC has been a 24-hour sanctuary for the literary and entertainment world, and a bridge between many vibrant L.A. communities. Known as much for making deals as for making memories, it has been a place for business functions and family celebrations for around 100 years.

Following the swift and unexpected decline in Wes Idol II’s health in 2019, the Idol trust fell into the hands of his 2nd wife. Toby Idol dismantled the Pacific Dining Car.

We of the 4th generation, who own the business name, are heartened by and supportive of this fight for restoration, which began with a nomination by a fan of PDC.

There are investors who are passionate about restoring, reviving, and re-opening the restaurant at 1310 W. 6th Street in Los Angeles.

We have many of the real heritage pieces in storage, and we’re receiving emails from people who bought pieces who are passionate about putting them back in place for the restoration❗

We have deep gratitude and love for all your support — the 1000s who regularly visit our website and social platforms and call and email us. And we very much appreciate the nearly 700 people who submitted letters of support to the Cultural Heritage Commission and City Council File online!

We love you, Los Angeles!


~ The 4 generations of the PDC family ~

Fred & Lovey Cook
Wes Idol I
Wes Idol II
Wes Idol III & Conlee Idol