Prime, Aged Beef

Prime, Aged Beef

“The beef is dry-aged American corn-fed U.S. prime and tastes like it. The kitchen does a commendable job of broiling steaks, getting a nice crust without overdoing it… For serious eaters it’s worth the trip.”
– Wine Spectator

The finest U.S.D.A. Prime Beef is spe­cially se­lected for the Pa­cific Din­ing Car from corn-fed Amer­i­can herds. The beef is aged at the restau­rant in a tem­per­a­ture- and hu­mid­ity-con­trolled meat room. The dry-ag­ing process nat­u­rally en­hances the fla­vor and ten­der­ness of the beef. When fully aged, the steaks are cut to spec­i­fi­ca­tions by the Din­ing Car butcher.

We serve corn-fed beef, which gives the meat a higher fat con­tent (i.e. bet­ter mar­bling), which In turn en­hances fla­vor. Our beef is ex­clu­sively from Creek­stone Farms. Raised and grazed in the USA, it’s pre­mium and nat­ural Black Angus with no an­tibi­otics, no added hor­mones, USDA & Halal Cer­ti­fied.

At Pa­cific Din­ing Car we take great pride in mak­ing sure our steaks are pre­sented at their best for your fullest en­joy­ment.