Also Starring

Also Starring… PDC

Famous Film & TV Restaurants in L.A.

‘The Pacific Dining Car was an early favorite of the Hollywood set, with Mae West, Louella Parsons and Mickey Cohen counted as regulars. The richly-colored interior has been immortalized numerous times on screen, most famously in the 2001 crime drama, “Training Day.” In the restaurant’s Pacific Northwest Room, Denzel Washington meets with the Three Wise Men and recommends the Baseball Steak. In the 1974 noir classic “Chinatown,” the exterior briefly masks as the Pig ‘n Whistle in a series of photographs that J.J. Gittes (Jack Nicholson) looks through. The steakhouse also popped up in 2008’s “Street Kings”, 2011’s “Rampart”‘ and Showtime’s “Shameless”.

– from Discover Los Angeles

“Training Day” at the Pacific Dining Car, starring Denzel Washington and Ethan Hawke.
Filmed in the Northern Pacific Room in Downtown Los Angeles.

HBO’s Shameless, Frank the Plumber scene, filmed in Pacific Dining Car’s Astor Room in DTLA. In the immortal words of Frank Gallagher, “Oh geez!”